The RapP-PhrP Quorum-Sensing System of Bacillus subtilis Strain NCIB3610 Affects Biofilm Formation through Multiple Targets, Due to an Atypical Signal-Insensitive Allele of RapP


Omer Bendori Shira,Pollak Shaul,Hizi Dorit,Eldar AvigdorORCID


The genome ofBacillus subtilis168 encodes eightrap-phrquorum-sensing pairs. Rap proteins of all characterized Rap-Phr pairs inhibit the function of one or several important response regulators: ComA, Spo0F, or DegU. This inhibition is relieved upon binding of the peptide encoded by the cognatephrgene.Bacillus subtilisstrain NCIB3610, the biofilm-proficient ancestor of strain 168, encodes, in addition, therapP-phrPpair on the plasmid pBS32. RapP was shown to dephosphorylate Spo0F and to regulate biofilm formation, but unlike other Rap-Phr pairs, RapP does not interact with PhrP. In this work we extend the analysis of the RapP pathway by reexamining its transcriptional regulation, its effect on downstream targets, and its interaction with PhrP. At the transcriptional level, we show thatrapPandphrPregulation is similar to that of otherrap-phrpairs. We further find that RapP has an Spo0F-independent negative effect on biofilm-related genes, which is mediated by the response regulator ComA. Finally, we find that the insensitivity of RapP to PhrP is due to a substitution of a highly conserved residue in the peptide binding domain of therapPallele of strain NCIB3610. Reversing this substitution to the consensus amino acid restores the PhrP dependence of RapP activity and eliminates the effects of therapP-phrPlocus on ComA activity and biofilm formation. Taken together, our results suggest that RapP strongly represses biofilm formation through multiple targets and that PhrP does not counteract RapP due to a rare mutation inrapP.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology







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