Role of Surface Fimbriae (Fibrils) in the Adsorption of Actinomyces Species to Saliva-Treated Hydroxyapatite Surfaces


Clark William B.12,Webb Eldon L.1,Wheeler Timothy T.12,Fischlschweiger Werner1,Birdsell Dale C.12,Mansheim Bernard J.132


1. Department of Basic Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry Periodontal Disease Research Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32610

2. Department of Immunology and Medical Microbiology, College of Dentistry Periodontal Disease Research Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32610

3. Department of Medicine, College of Dentistry Periodontal Disease Research Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32610


We studied the adsorption, morphological, and serological characteristics of selected Actinomyces and related species. Evaluation of uranyl acetate-stained cells by electron microscopy revealed wide variations among strains in the frequency of surface fimbriae. These variations did not always correlate with the percent adsorption to saliva-treated hydroxyapatite of the various Actinomyces strains. However, two strains of Rothia dentocariosa possessing no surface fimbriae and five strains of A. israelii possessing very few surface fimbriae exhibited feeble adsorption to saliva-treated hydroxyapatite. Although the calculated number of adsorption sites on saliva-treated hydroxypatite did not vary widely among the strains tested, significant differences were observed in the affinities calculated for some species or serotypes. The mean affinities for strains of A. viscosus serotype 2 and A. naeslundii serotype 3 were similar, and these strains adsorbed well to saliva-treated hydroxyapatite. The mean adsorption and affinity for the A. naeslundii strain serotype 1 and all strains of A. israelii tested were significantly less than those determined for the A. viscosus serotype 2 or A. naeslundii serotype 3 strains. Adsorption inhibition activity of antiserum to strain T14V, previously shown to be solely related to antibodies in immune serum directed against the VA1 fimbria (fibril) antigen, was removed by preadsorption of the antiserum with most A. viscosus and A. naelundii strains, but not with A. israelii strains. This suggests some cross-reactivity among strains of A. viscosus and A. naeslundii but not A. israelii. Adsorption to saliva-treated hydroxyapatite of all A. viscosus and A. naeslundii strains tested was strongly inhibited by fimbriae isolated from A. viscosus strain T14V. Collectively, these data suggest that the adsorption of certain A. viscosus and A. naeslundii strains is mediated by surface fimbriae, many of which appear serologically cross-reactive with strain T14V fimbriae.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology

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