Direct agglutination test for diagnosis of Toxoplasma infection: method for increasing sensitivity and specificity


Desmonts G,Remington J S


A method that increases the sensitivity and specificity of the direct agglutination (AG) test for diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection is described. Qualitative results in the Sabin-Feldman dye test (DT) and AG test were in excellent agreement (98%). Differences in titers between these two tests often related to the length of time the individual was infected. The AG test titer was most often lower than the DT titer during acute (recent) infection; the AG test titer was most often higher than the DT titer in older or chronic infection. If the AG test antigen described here can be made available, the AG test would be ideal for use as a screening test and would provide a simple and inexpensive means for the surveillance of seronegative women during pregnancy and for detection of seroconversions.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)

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