Isolation of enterovirus and reovirus from sewage and treated effluents in selected Puerto Rican communities


Dahling D R1,Safferman R S1,Wright B A1


1. Microbiology Research Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268.


Sewage treatment plant effluents were surveyed for viral contributions to gastroenteritis outbreaks in Puerto Rico. Of the 15 sewage treatment plants studied, all discharged their effluents upstream from water treatment plant intakes. No base-line data on the degree of viral challenge to these sewage treatment plants or the subsequent reduction of viruses before discharge existed. Enterovirus counts were generally much higher than those found in the continental United States. At four plants, viruses in the incoming sewage exceeded 100,000 PFU/liter, and one of these, a trickling filter plant, was discharging 24,000 PFU/liter to receiving waters. Virus identification showed that more than 80% of the enterovirus isolates were coxsackievirus B5. These overwhelming viral numbers pointed to defects in the sewage treatment processes. Without reasonable barriers to protect receiving waters, several of the downstream communities were using raw waters that posed extraordinary demands on the ability of their water treatment plants to supply virologically safe drinking water.


American Society for Microbiology


Ecology,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food Science,Biotechnology

Reference11 articles.

1. Berg G. 1978. Viruses in the environment: criteria for risk p. 216-229. In B. P. Sagik and C. A. Sorber (ed.) Proceedings of the Conference on Risk Assessment and Health Effects of Land Application of Municipal Wastewater and Sludges. Center for Applied Research and Technology University of Texas San Antonio.

2. Berg G. R. S. Safferman D. R. Dahling D. Berman and C. J. Hurst. 1984. USEPA manual of methods for virology. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication no. EPA-600/ 4-84-013. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati.

3. Centers for Disease Control. 1981. Enterovirus surveillance report 1970-1979. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Atlanta.

4. Update: enterovirus surveillance-United States 1983;Centers for Disease Control.;Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep.,1983

5. Centers for Disease Control. 1984. Coxsackievirus B5 meningi-506 NOTES







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