Coupled translation and replication of poliovirus RNA in vitro: synthesis of functional 3D polymerase and infectious virus


Barton D J1,Flanegan J B1


1. Department of Immunology and Medical Microbiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville 32610-0266.


Poliovirus RNA polymerase and infectious virus particles were synthesized by translation of virion RNA in vitro in HeLa S10 extracts. The in vitro translation reactions were optimized for the synthesis of the viral proteins found in infected cells and in particular the synthesis of the viral polymerase 3Dpol. There was a linear increase in the amount of labeled protein synthesized during the first 6 h of the reaction. The appearance of 3Dpol in the translation products was delayed because of the additional time required for the proteolytic processing of precursor proteins. 3Dpol was first observed at 1 h in polyacrylamide gels, with significant amounts being detected at 6 h and later. Initial attempts to assay for polymerase activity directly in the translation reaction were not successful. Polymerase activity, however, was easily detected by adding a small amount (3 microliters) of translation products to a standard polymerase assay containing poliovirion RNA. Full-length minus-strand RNA was synthesized in the presence of an oligo(U) primer. In the absence of oligo(U), product RNA about twice the size of virion RNA was synthesized in these reactions. RNA stability studies and plaque assays indicated that a significant fraction of the input virion RNA in the translation reactions was very stable and remained intact for 20 h or more. Plaque assays indicated that infectious virus was synthesized in the in vitro translation reactions. Under optimal conditions, the titer of infectious virus produced in the in vitro translation reactions was greater than 100,000 PFU/ml. Virus was first detected at 6 h and increased to maximum levels by 12 h. Overall, the kinetics of poliovirus replication (protein synthesis, polymerase activity, and virus production) observed in the HeLa S10-initiation factor in vitro translation reactions were similar to those observed in infected cells.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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