Physiological characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants of mengovirus


Bond C W,Swim H E


Twenty-four temperature-sensitive mutants of mengovirus were characterized physiologically with respect to phenotype. The mutants were separated into four classes on the basis of viral RNA synthesis. L-67-S cells infected with five of the mutants synthesized little viral RNA at 39.5 C. These mutants are designated RNA-. One mutant is designated RNA* since its RNA synthesis is altered at both 39.5 and 31.5 C. The other mutants were divided into two groups, RNA plus or minus (25 TO 49% of wild-type RNA synthesis) and RNA plus (50 to 100% of wild-type RNA synthesis). The time of expression of the mutation in the RNA- mutants was estimated from the results of reciprocal temperature-shift experiments. The mutatation in ts12 appears to be expressed at the time RNA synthesis normally begins. The defect in three of the mutants was expressed 1 to 2 h before RNA synthesis is normally detectable. Protein synthesis is required before RNA synthesis begins when the cells are shifted from 39.5 to 31.5 C. The RNA polymerase synthesized by cells infected with these RNA- mutants at 31.5 C was stable and fully active when assayed at 39.5 C in vitro. The sedimentation profiles of the viral RNA synthesized by cells infected with RNA plus and RNA plus or minus mutants are similar to wild-type profiles with the exception of ts148. Cells infected with this RNA plus or minus mutant synthesize RNA that sediments in a sucrose gradient like replicative-intermediate RNA, but little mature viral RNA is evident. The results of step-up experiments indicate that the temperature-sensitive period for the majority of the RNA plus and RNA plus and minus mutants extends through most of the replicative cycle. The temperature-sensitive defect of four of the mutants, however, was expressed in the first hour, suggesting that some undefined early function is required for the eventual maturation of mengovirus. The virions of three of the RNA- mutants were more thermolabile than wild-type virions. Five of the RNA plus and RNA plus or minus mutants were also thermolabile. Genetic complementation at a significant level was not detectable in mixed infections of the mutants described.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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