Bacillus subtilis hlpB Encodes a Conserved Stand-Alone HNH Nuclease-Like Protein That Is Essential for Viability Unless the hlpB Deletion Is Accompanied by the Deletion of Genes Encoding the AddAB DNA Repair Complex


Pediaditakis Miriam1,Kaufenstein Miriam1,Graumann Peter L.12


1. Mikrobiologie, Fachbereich für Biologie, Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

2. LOEWE Center for Synthetic Microbiology, SYNMIKRO, and Faculty of Chemistry, Philipps-University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany


ABSTRACT The HNH domain is found in many different proteins in all phylogenetic kingdoms and in many cases confers nuclease activity. We have found that the Bacillus subtilis hlpB ( yisB ) gene encodes a stand-alone HNH domain, homologs of which are present in several bacterial genomes. We show that the protein we term HlpB is essential for viability. The depletion of HlpB leads to growth arrest and to the generation of cells containing a single, decondensed nucleoid. This apparent condensation-segregation defect was cured by additional hlpB copies in trans . Purified HlpB showed cooperative binding to a variety of double-stranded and single-stranded DNA sequences, depending on the presence of zinc, nickel, or cobalt ions. Binding of HlpB was also influenced by pH and different metals, reminiscent of HNH domains. Lethality of the hlpB deletion was relieved in the absence of addA and of addAB , two genes encoding proteins forming a RecBCD-like end resection complex, but not of recJ , which is responsible for a second end-resectioning avenue. Like AddA-green fluorescent protein (AddA-GFP), functional HlpB-YFP or HlpB-FlAsH fusions were present throughout the cytosol in growing B. subtilis cells. Upon induction of DNA damage, HlpB-FlAsH formed a single focus on the nucleoid in a subset of cells, many of which colocalized with the replication machinery. Our data suggest that HlpB plays a role in DNA repair by rescuing AddAB-mediated recombination intermediates in B. subtilis and possibly also in many other bacteria.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology







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