1. Minneapolis VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
2. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
3. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Escherichia coli
sequence type 648 complex (STc648) is an emerging lineage within phylogroup F—formerly included within phylogroup D—that is associated with multidrug resistance. Here, we designed and validated a novel multiplex PCR-based assay for STc648 that took advantage of (i) four distinctive single-nucleotide polymorphisms in
allele 96 and
allele 87, two of the multilocus sequence typing alleles that define ST648; and (ii) the typical absence within STc648 of
, an
E. coli
-specific gene encoding β-glucuronidase. Within a diverse 212-strain validation set that included 109 STs other than STc648, from phylogroups A, B1, B2, C, D, E, and F, the assay exhibited 100% sensitivity (95% confidence interval [CI], 82% to 100%) and specificity (95% CI, 98% to 100%). It functioned similarly well in two distant laboratories that used boiled lysates or DNAzol-purified DNA as the template DNA. Thus, this novel multiplex PCR-based assay should enable any laboratory equipped for diagnostic PCR to rapidly, accurately, and economically screen
E. coli
isolates for membership in STc648.
American Society for Microbiology