Molecular modelling of the three-dimensional structure and conformational flexibility of bacterial lipopolysaccharide


Kastowsky M1,Gutberlet T1,Bradaczek H1


1. Institut für Kristallographie, Freien Universität Berlin, Germany.


Molecular modelling techniques have been applied to calculate the three-dimensional architecture and the conformational flexibility of a complete bacterial S-form lipopolysaccharide (LPS) consisting of a hexaacyl lipid A identical to Escherichia coli lipid A, a complete Salmonella typhimurium core oligosaccharide portion, and four repeating units of the Salmonella serogroup B O-specific chain. X-ray powder diffraction experiments on dried samples of LPS were carried out to obtain information on the dimensions of the various LPS partial structures. Up to the Ra-LPS structure, the calculated model dimensions were in good agreement with experimental data and were 2.4 nm for lipid A, 2.8 nm for Re-LPS, 3.5 nm for Rd-LPS, and 4.4 nm for Ra-LPS. The maximum length of a stretched S-form LPS model bearing four repeating units was evaluated to be 9.6 nm; however, energetically favored LPS conformations showed the O-specific chain bent with respect to the Ra-LPS portion and significantly smaller dimensions (about 5.0 to 5.5 nm). According to the calculations, the Ra-LPS moiety has an approximately cylindrical shape and is conformationally well defined, in contrast to the O-specific chain, which was found to be the most flexible portion within the molecule.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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