Acidaminococcus gen. n., Acidaminococcus fermentans sp. n., Anaerobic Gram-negative Diplococci Using Amino Acids as the Sole Energy Source for Growth


Rogosa Morrison1


1. Laboratory of Microbiology, National Institute of Dental Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014


Acidaminococcus gen. n. and the type species Acidaminococcus fermentans sp. n. were described. Amino acids, of which glutamic acid is the most important, could serve as the sole energy source for growth. Acetic and butyric acids and CO 2 were produced; propionic acid and hydrogen were not produced. Amino acid media supporting growth and the amino acid and vitamin requirements were described. Glucose was frequently not fermented or was weakly catabolized. Derivative products from glucose autoclaved in media, but not glucose itself, stimulated or were required for growth in amino acid media. A wide range of polyols and carbohydrates were not attacked. Lactate, fumarate, malate, succinate, citrate, and pyruvate were not used as energy sources for growth. Pyruvate completely suppressed growth. Cytochrome oxidase and benzidine reactions were negative; catalase, indole, acetyl methyl carbinol, and H 2 S were not produced; nitrate and sulfonthalein indicators were not reduced; ammonia was produced; gelatin liquefaction was negative or slow and partial; vancomycin (7.5 μg/ml) was resisted. Acidaminococcus was different from Veillonella in morphology, serology, nutrition, utilization of substrates, and accumulation of products in media supporting growth; Acidaminococcus resembled Peptococcus in utilization of glutamic acid and accumulation of similar products, but the two genera differed in morphology, gram reaction, serology, guanine plus cytosine content of deoxyribonucleic acid, and nutrition.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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