The Response Regulator CpxR Directly Regulates Expression of Several Legionella pneumophila icm/dot Components as Well as New Translocated Substrates


Altman Efrat1,Segal Gil1


1. Department of Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel


ABSTRACT Legionella pneumophila has been shown to utilize the icm/dot type IV secretion system for pathogenesis. This system was shown to be composed of icm / dot complex components and accessory proteins, as well as a large number of translocated substrates. Bioinformatic analysis of the regulatory regions of all the genes revealed that several icm / dot genes, as well as two genes encoding icm / dot translocated substrates, contain the conserved CpxR regulatory element, a regulator that has been shown previously to control the expression of the icmR gene. An experimental analysis, which included a comparison of gene expression in a L. pneumophila wild-type strain and gene expression in a cpxR deletion mutant, construction of mutants with mutations in the CpxR conserved regulatory elements, controlled expression studies, and mobility shift assays, demonstrated the direct relationship between the CpxR regulator and the expression of the genes. Furthermore, genomic analysis identified nine additional genes that contain a putative CpxR regulatory element; five of these genes (two legA genes and three ceg genes) were suggested previously to be putative icm / dot translocated substrates. The three ceg genes identified, which were shown previously to contain a putative PmrA regulatory element, were found here to be regulated by both CpxR and PmrA. The other six genes (two legA genes and four new genes products were found to be regulated by CpxR. Moreover, using the CyaA translocation assay, these nine gene products were found to be translocated into host cells in an Icm/Dot-dependent manner. Our results establish that the CpxR regulator is a fundamental regulator of the icm / dot type IV secretion system in L. pneumophila .


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology







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