Truncated gag-related proteins are produced by large deletion mutants of Rous sarcoma virus and form virus particles


Voynow S L,Coffin J M


Large deletion (LD) mutants of Prague strain Rous sarcoma virus subgroup B (PrB), derived by serial undiluted passage through chicken (C/E) cells, contain two deletions relative to wild-type virus. One of these joins gag sequences in the p12 coding region to env sequences in region encoding gp37; the other deletion spans the src region. Analysis of the viral proteins of QT6 cell clones containing only LD proviruses by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a major truncated gag-related phosphoprotein of 60,000 to 66,000 daltons (P63LD). P63LD was stable, but could be cleaved in vitro to the predicted products by p15gag. A second gag-related LD protein of about 68,000 to 74,000 molecular weight (P70LD) was also found which often reacted with an anti-gp37 serum. P70LD was unstable and may represent a short-lived gag-gp37 fusion protein. Finally, immunoprecipitation indicated that particles containing P63LD were shed from QT6-LD clones. Thin section preparations of these clones viewed in an electron microscope showed enveloped budding particles of "immature" morphology. Thus, the synthesis and release of particles from infected cells does not require cleavage of the gag precursor, nor does it require the presence of p15 or (most of) p12.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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