Mapping of IS 6110 Insertion Sites in Two Epidemic Strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Beggs Marjorie L.1,Eisenach Kathleen D.12,Cave M. Donald3


1. Departments of Pathology,1

2. Microbiology and Immunology,2 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and J. L. McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital, Little Rock, Arkansas

3. Anatomy,3 and


ABSTRACT A widely distributed strain designated 210 was identified in a study of the diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA fingerprints from three geographically separate states in the United States. This strain is characterized by a 21-band fingerprint pattern when probed with IS 6110 , and the pattern is similar to that displayed by strains designated W. Intracellular growth of strain 210 isolates in human macrophages is significantly faster than that of isolates from other clusters or nonclustered isolates. The purpose of this study was to identify the sites of IS 6110 insertions in strain 210 and compare these to IS 6110 insertion sites in strain W. Our hypothesis is that an IS 6110 insertion site(s) could possibly be responsible for a strain's increased capacity for transmission and/or replication. In this report, the insertion sites in strains 210 and W are described and referenced to their location in the M. tuberculosis H37Rv genome sequence. The W and 210 strains have 17 identical sites of IS 6110 insertion and additional sequence not found in H37Rv but present in other clinical isolates. The IS 6110 insertion site in the 36-bp direct repeat (DR) region of strains 210 and W has 15 spacers in the left flanking region. The DR region on the right side of IS 6110 has been deleted. Five sites of insertion in strain 210 not found in strain W are described, as well as two unique sites in strain W. One copy of IS 6110 was found to reside 55 bp in the ctpD gene. This gene is expressed, indicating that IS 6110 can provide a promoter sequence for the transcription of genes.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)







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