Inhibition of the Super Elongation Complex Suppresses Herpes Simplex Virus Immediate Early Gene Expression, Lytic Infection, and Reactivation from Latency


Alfonso-Dunn Roberto1,Arbuckle Jesse H.1,Vogel Jodi L.1,Kristie Thomas M.1


1. Laboratory of Viral Diseases, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA


HSV infections can cause pathologies ranging from recurrent lesions to significant ocular disease. Initiation of lytic infection and reactivation from latency in sensory neurons are dependent on the induced expression of the viral immediate early genes. Transcription of these genes is controlled at multiple levels, including modulation of the chromatin state of the viral genome and appropriate recruitment of transcription factors and coactivators. Following initiation of transcription, IE genes are subject to a key regulatory stage in which transcriptional elongation rates are controlled by the activity of the super elongation complex. Inhibition of the SEC blocks both lytic infection and reactivation from latency in sensory neurons. In addition to providing insights into the mechanisms controlling viral infection and reactivation, inhibitors of critical components such as the SEC may represent novel antivirals.


HHS | National Institutes of Health


American Society for Microbiology



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