Cellular proteins which can specifically associate with simian virus 40 small t antigen


Murphy C I,Bikel I,Livingston D M


When crude, radiolabeled extracts of various cells were applied to homogeneous simian virus 40 small t antigen-Sepharose adsorbents, three cell proteins (57, 32, and 20 kilodaltons [kDa]) bound specifically. Each also bound to an insoluble, truncated t derivative composed of the COOH-terminal 123 residues of the protein. The binding of these proteins was greatly inhibited after reduction and alkylation of the t ligand. Therefore, some element of native conformation, but not all of the primary structure of t, is necessary for this binding property, which may constitute a discrete, in vitro biochemical function of this protein. Results of cell fractionation experiments suggested that the 57- and 32-kDa proteins are nonnuclear cell constituents, whereas the 20-kDa protein was closely associated with a detergent-washed nuclear fraction. Specific immunoblotting and comparative partial proteolytic digestion analyses indicated that the 57-kDa protein is tubulin, a major component of the cytoskeleton. In this regard, t and tubulin were observed to coimmunoprecipitate from crude cell extracts after incubation with monospecific anti-t antibody. Therefore, it is possible that t and tubulin interact in vivo.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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