1. Genzyme Corporation, 153 Second Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451
2. the Broad Institute, Infectious Disease Initiative Program, 7 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
3. Center for Systems Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114
4. Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington Avenue, Bldg. 1, Rm. 704, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
5. University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Medical Zoology, P.O. Box 365067, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-5067
6. Leiden Malaria Research Group, Parasitology, Center of Infectious Diseases, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC, L4-Q), Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden, Netherlands
7. GlaxoSmithKline, Medicines Development Campus, Diseases of the Developing World, Severo Ochoa 2, Tres Cantos 28760, Madrid, Spain
8. Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Socinstrasse 57, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
9. University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
10. Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, 240 Longwood Avenue, C-643, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
11. Medicines for Malaria Venture, Route de Pre-Bois, 1215 Geneva, Switzerland