Deletion mutants of Moloney murine leukemia virus which lack glycosylated gag protein are replication competent


Schwartzberg P,Colicelli J,Goff S P


A series of deletion mutations localized near the 5' end of the Moloney murine leukemia virus genome was generated by site-specific mutagenesis of cloned viral DNA. The mutants recovered from such deleted DNAs failed to synthesize the normal glycosylated gag protein gPr80gag. Two of the mutants made no detectable protein, and a third mutant, containing a 66-base pair deletion, synthesized an altered gag protein which was not glycosylated. All the mutants made normal amounts of the internal Pr65gag protein. The viruses were XC positive and replicated normally in NIH/3T3 cells as well as in lymphoid cell lines. These results indicate that the additional peptides of the glycosylated gag protein are encoded near the 5' end, that the glycosylated and internal gag proteins are synthesized independently, and that the glycosylated gag protein is not required during the normal replication cycle. In addition, the region deleted in these mutants apparently encodes no cis-acting function needed for replication. Thus, all essential sequences, including those for packaging viral RNA, must lie outside this area.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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