Ribotyping to compare Fusobacterium necrophorum isolates from bovine liver abscesses, ruminal walls, and ruminal contents


Narayanan S1,Nagaraja T G1,Okwumabua O1,Staats J1,Chengappa M M1,Oberst R D1


1. Department of Animal Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506, USA.


Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of rRNA genes was employed to genetically compare Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum and F. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme isolates from multiple abscesses of the same liver and isolates from liver abscesses, the ruminal wall, and ruminal contents from the same animal. Four livers with multiple abscesses and samples of ruminal contents, ruminal walls, and liver abscesses were collected from 11 cattle at slaughter. F. necrophorum was isolated from all liver abscesses, nine ruminal walls, and six ruminal content samples. Chromosomal DNA of the isolates was extracted and single or double digested with restriction endonucleases (EcoRI, EcoRV, SalI, and HaeIII); then restriction fragments were hybridized with a digoxigenin-labeled cDNA probe transcribed from a mixture of 16S and 23S rRNAs from Escherichia coli. EcoRI alone or in combination with EcoRV yielded the most discriminating ribopatterns for comparison. Within the subspecies multiple isolates from the same liver were indistinguishable based on the ribopattern obtained with EcoRI. The hybridization patterns of liver abscess isolates were concordant with those of the corresponding isolates from ruminal walls in eight of nine sets of samples. None of the six ruminal content isolates matched either the liver abscess isolates or the ruminal wall isolates. The genetic similarity between the isolates from liver abscesses and ruminal walls supports the hypothesis that F. necrophorum isolates of liver abscesses originate from the rumen.


American Society for Microbiology


Ecology,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food Science,Biotechnology

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