Modifications of the 5′ Cap of mRNAs during Xenopus Oocyte Maturation: Independence from Changes in Poly(A) Length and Impact on Translation


Gillian-Daniel Donald L.1,Gray Nicola K.1,Åström Jonas1,Barkoff Aaron1,Wickens Marvin1


1. Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706


ABSTRACT The translation of specific maternal mRNAs is regulated during early development. For some mRNAs, an increase in translational activity is correlated with cytoplasmic extension of their poly(A) tails; for others, translational inactivation is correlated with removal of their poly(A) tails. Recent results in several systems suggest that events at the 3′ end of the mRNA can affect the state of the 5′ cap structure, m 7 G(5′)ppp(5′)G. We focus here on the potential role of cap modifications on translation during early development and on the question of whether any such modifications are dependent on cytoplasmic poly(A) addition or removal. To do so, we injected synthetic RNAs into Xenopus oocytes and examined their cap structures and translational activities during meiotic maturation. We draw four main conclusions. First, the activity of a cytoplasmic guanine-7-methyltransferase increases during oocyte maturation and stimulates translation of an injected mRNA bearing a nonmethylated GpppG cap. The importance of the cap for translation in oocytes is corroborated by the sensitivity of protein synthesis to cap analogs and by the inefficient translation of mRNAs bearing nonphysiologically capped 5′ termini. Second, deadenylation during oocyte maturation does not cause decapping, in contrast to deadenylation-triggered decapping in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Third, the poly(A) tail and the N-7 methyl group of the cap stimulate translation synergistically during oocyte maturation. Fourth, cap ribose methylation of certain mRNAs is very inefficient and is not required for their translational recruitment by poly(A). These results demonstrate that polyadenylation can cause translational recruitment independent of ribose methylation. We propose that polyadenylation enhances translation through at least two mechanisms that are distinguished by their dependence on ribose modification.


American Society for Microbiology


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology







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