Ribosomes of Acid-Fast Bacilli: Immunogenicity, Serology, and In Vitro Correlates of Delayed Hypersensitivity


Baker R. E.1,Hill W. E.1,Larson C. L.1


1. Stella Duncan Memorial Institute and Departments of Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59801


Ribosomal fractions obtained from Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) and M. smegmatis (strain butyricum ) were studied to determine their antigenicity, their ability to stimulate the production of soluble mediators of delayed hypersensitivity (in vitro correlates) by sensitized peritoneal exudate cells, and the antigenic relations of ribosomal antigens of BCG to BCG protoplasm and H37Rv culture filtrates. The crude ribosomes and the 50-30S ribosomal subunit pool obtained from each of the organisms induced both delayed and immediate hypersensitivity when injected in incomplete Freund adjuvant into rabbits, and skin reactions could be elicited in sensitized rabbits with those antigens. The crude ribosomes and 50-30S ribosomal subunit pool of M. smegmatis stimulated lymphocytes of guinea pigs sensitized with viable organisms to produce macrophage migration inhibition factor. Comparable ribosomal fractions from BCG bacilli caused lymphocytes of guinea pigs sensitized with viable M. bovis (BCG) to produce skin reactive factor. Immunoelectrophoretic studies showed that H37Rv culture filtrate, protoplasm, crude ribosomes, and 50-30S ribosomal subunits of BCG contain multiple precipitinogens and that many of these were shared between the different antigen systems. Comparative electrophoresis revealed that BCG protoplasm and H37Rv culture filtrate shared a major portion of their components with each other and relatively few with ribosomal systems. The ribosomal systems shared the major portion of their components with each other and relatively few with the other antigen systems.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology

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