A Bacillus subtilis Gene Induced by Cold Shock Encodes a Membrane Phospholipid Desaturase


Aguilar Pablo S.1,Cronan John E.23,de Mendoza Diego1


1. Programa Multidisciplinario de Biologı́a Experimental and Departamento de Microbiologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias Bioquı́micas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2000-Rosario, Argentina,1and

2. Departments of Microbiology2and

3. Biochemistry,3 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801


ABSTRACT Bacillus subtilis grown at 37°C synthesizes saturated fatty acids with only traces of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs). However, when cultures growing at 37°C are transferred to 20°C, UFA synthesis is induced. We report the identification and characterization of the gene encoding the fatty acid desaturase of B. subtilis . This gene, called des , was isolated by complementation of Escherichia coli strains with mutations in either of two different genes of UFA synthesis. The des gene encodes a polypeptide of 352 amino acid residues containing the three conserved histidine cluster motifs and two putative membrane-spanning domains characteristic of the membrane-bound desaturases of plants and cyanobacteria. Expression of the des gene in E. coli resulted in desaturation of palmitic acid moieties of the membrane phospholipids to give the novel mono-UFA cis -5-hexadecenoic acid, indicating that the B. subtilis des gene product is a Δ5 acyl-lipid desaturase. The des gene was disrupted, and the resulting null mutant strains were unable to synthesize UFAs upon a shift to low growth temperatures. The des null mutant strain grew as well as its congenic parent at 20 or 37°C but showed severely reduced survival during stationary phase. Analysis of operon fusions in which the des promoter directed the synthesis of a lacZ reporter gene showed that des expression is repressed at 37°C, but a shift of cultures from 37 to 20°C resulted in a 10- to 15-fold increase in transcription. This is the first report of a membrane phospholipid desaturase in a nonphotosynthetic organism and the first direct evidence for cold induction of a desaturase.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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