Clinical evaluation of automated antibiotic susceptibility testing with the MS-2 system


Barnes W G,Green L R,Talley R L


The MS-2 (Abbott Laboratories) system for automated antimicrobial susceptibility testing was evaluated for both accuracy and general utility in our clinical laboratory. A total of 984 fresh clinical bacterial isolates (745 gram-negative, 239 gram-positive) were tested with the MS-2 system, and results were compared directly with those from a conventional agar disk diffusion method. Discrepancies between the two methods were categorized as very major, major, and minor. For gram-positive isolates, full accord (all discrepancies considered) was 91.6%, and essential accord (minor discrepancies not included) was 96.2%. With gram-negative isolates, full accord was found to be 93.9%, with essential accord of 97.9%. Aggrement as a function both of organism group and of antimicrobial agent was determined. Full accord of 90% or more was found for all major organism groups tested, with the exception of enterococci, where discrepant results between the two methods were observed. Mean test time for all isolates tested was 4.3 h. The MS-2 was found to be an accurate and highly automated instrument which required minimal technician time and was readily adaptable to work flow in our clinical laboratory.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)

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