Damped oscillations in photosensory transduction of Halobacterium salinarium induced by repellent light stimuli


Krohs U1


1. Institut für Biologische Informationsverarbeitung, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany.


Halobacteria usually respond to repellent light stimuli by reversing their swimming direction. However, cells seem to be in a refractory state when stimulated immediately after performance of a reversal. I found that in this case, a special type of response is exhibited rather than spontaneous behavior. A strong stimulus induced a rhythmic pattern of successive reversals. On stimulation immediately after a reversal of swimming direction, the first of these reversals was skipped without influence on the rhythm. The results suggest that the stimulus evokes an oscillating signal which alters reversal probability but which is itself independent of the state of the motor apparatus. The oscillation has a period length of about 5 s and is damped out within a few cycles. It does not depend on the special sensory photosystem through which the stimulus is applied. The consequences of these findings for the model description of swimming behavior control in halobacteria are discussed.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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