Simian virus 40 DNA replication: characterization of gaps in the termination region


Chen M C,Birkenmeier E,Salzman N P


A class of precursor DNA (pDNA) II molecules has been identified as the immediate precursor of simian virus 40 DNA I. A pDNA II molecule contains a strand of newly synthesized DNA with an interruption located in the region where DNA synthesis terminates (4). These pDNA II molecules have been isolated and further characterized. They are converted to covalently closed structures (simian virus 40 DNA I) only when they are treated in vitro with both T4 DNA polymerase and Escherichia coli ligase. After in vitro repair of pDNA II with T4 DNA polymerase and nucleoside triphosphates, approximately 7 mol of alpha-[32P]dATP is incorporated per mol of DNA II. Alkaline sucrose analysis of these gap-filled molecules, after they have been cleaved with Eco RI restriction endonuclease, has demonstrated that gaps are specifically located in the termination region. alpha-[32P]dATP is incorporated equally into the two labeled products that are generated by RI cleavage of these molecules. This indicates the presence of gaps in both the newly synthesized plus the minus strands. Electrophoretic analysis of the gap-filled molecules, after they have been cleaved with endonuclease Hind, has shown that gaps are localized in Hind fragments G and B and to a minor degree in fragment J. pDNA II molecules have the following properties. There is a gap in the newly synthesized linear DNA strand contained in the pDNA II molecule. Nicked pDNA II molecules cannot be detected. The two molecules that arise by segregation contain gaps in both of the complementary strands. Based on the amount of alpha-[32P]dATP incorporated and the rate of exonuclease III digestion of gap-filled molecules, it is estimated that the size of the gaps is between 22 and 73 nucleotides. Models for termination of DNA synthesis are proposed based on these findings.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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