Differential Siderophore Utilization and Iron Uptake by Soil and Rhizosphere Bacteria


Jurkevitch Edouard1,Hadar Yitzhak1,Chen Yona1


1. Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology and Department of Soil and Water Sciences, 2 Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P.O. Box 12, Rehovot 76100, Israel


The differential availabilities of the hydroxamate siderophores ferrioxamine B (FOB) and ferrichrome (FC) and the pseudobactin siderophores St3, 7NSK 2 , and WCS 358 as sources of Fe for soil and rhizosphere bacteria were studied. About 20% of the total bacterial CFU from the rhizospheres of four plant species were able to use FOB as the sole Fe source in an Fe-deficient medium, while about 12, 10, 2, and > 1% were able to use FC and pseudobactins 7NSK 2 , St3, and WCS 358, respectively. Of the 165 colonies isolated from plates containing pseudobactins, 64 were able to use the pseudobactin on which they were isolated as the sole Fe source in pure culture. Cross-feeding tests showed that almost all of these 64 strains were also able to use at least one of the other siderophores studied (pseudobactin, FOB, or FC). Pseudomonas putida StS2, Pseudomonas maltophilia 7NM1, and Vibrio fluvialis WS1, which were originally isolated on pseudobactins St3, 7NSK 2 , and WCS 358, respectively, were selected for their ability to grow with pseudobactin St3 as the sole Fe source. They incorporated 55 Fe 3+ mediated by pseudobactin St3 at various rates (71.5, 4, and 23 pmol/min/mg [dry weight] of cells, respectively). Similarly, P. putida St3 was shown to incorporate 55 Fe 3+ mediated by FOB and FC. We suggest that the ability of bacteria to utilize a large variety of siderophores confers an ecological advantage.


American Society for Microbiology


Ecology,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food Science,Biotechnology

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