1. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@7b68d829
1935 Studies on the immune response of the rheumatic subject and its relationship to activity of the rheumatic process. II. Observations on an epidemic of influenza followed by hemolytic streptococcus infections in a rheumatic colony. III. Observations on the reactions of a rheumatic group to an epidemic infection with hemolytic streptococcus of a single type. J. Exptl. Med. 62 137-178.
2. Relation of varieties of streptococci (with especial reference to experimental arthritis);J. Am. Med. Assoc.,1912
3. An epidemic of sore throat due to a peculiar streptococcus;Ibid.,1912
4. Phagological identification of Streptococcus epidemicue;Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med.,1935
5. Studies on hemolytic streptococci. I. Methods of classification;J. Bact.,1936