1. Laboratory of Bacterial Genetics, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad, India
2. Graduate Studies, Manipal University, Manipal, India
3. Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
ArgO and LysE are members of the LysE family of exporter proteins and ordinarily mediate the export of
-arginine (Arg) in
Escherichia coli
-lysine (Lys) and Arg in
Corynebacterium glutamicum
, respectively. Under certain conditions, ArgO also mediates Lys export. To delineate the arrangement of ArgO in the cytoplasmic membrane of
E. coli
, we have employed a combination of cysteine accessibility
in situ
, alkaline phosphatase fusion reporters, and protein modeling to arrive at a topological model of ArgO. Our studies indicate that ArgO assumes an N
configuration, potentially forming a five-transmembrane helix bundle flanked by a cytoplasmic N-terminal domain (NTD) comprising roughly its first 38 to 43 amino acyl residues and a short periplasmic C-terminal region (CTR). Mutagenesis studies indicate that the CTR, but not the NTD, is dispensable for ArgO function
in vivo
and that a pair of conserved aspartate residues, located near the opposing edges of the cytoplasmic membrane, may play a pivotal role in facilitating transmembrane Arg flux. Additional studies on amino acid substitutions that impair ArgO function
in vivo
and their derivatives bearing compensatory amino acid alterations indicate a role for intramolecular interactions in the Arg export mechanism, and some interactions are corroborated by normal-mode analyses. Lastly, our studies suggest that ArgO may exist as a monomer
in vivo
, thus highlighting the requirement for intramolecular interactions in ArgO, as opposed to interactions across multiple ArgO monomers, in the formation of an Arg-translocating conduit.
The orthologous proteins LysE of
C. glutamicum
and ArgO of
E. coli
function as exporters of the basic amino acids
-arginine and
-lysine and the basic amino acid
-arginine, respectively, and LysE can functionally substitute for ArgO when expressed in
E. coli
. Notwithstanding this functional equivalence, studies reported here show that ArgO possesses a membrane topology that is distinct from that reported for LysE, with substantial variation in the topological arrangement of the proximal one-third portions of the two exporters. Additional genetic and
in silico
studies reveal the importance of (i) the cytoplasmic N-terminal domain, (ii) a pair of conserved aspartate residues, and (iii) potential intramolecular interactions in ArgO function and indicate that an Arg-translocating conduit is formed by a monomer of ArgO.
Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology
American Society for Microbiology
Molecular Biology,Microbiology