Comparison of Assimilatory Organic Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Carbon Sources for Growth of Methanobacterium Species


Bhatnagar L.1,Jain M. K.1,Aubert J.-P.1,Zeikus J. G.1


1. Unité de Physiologie Cellulaire, Departement de Biochemie et de la Génétique Moleculaire, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris, France, and Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 537062


Experiments document the ability of two species of autotrophic methanogens to assimilate and utilize organic substrates as the nutrient sulfur or nitrogen source and as a carbon source during growth on H 2 -CO 2 . Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum strain ΔH and the mesophilic species Methanobacterium sp. strain Ivanov grew with glutamine as the nitrogen source or cysteine as the sulfur source. M. thermoautotrophicum also utilized urea as the nitrogen source and as a carbon precursor for methane and cell synthesis. Methanobacterium sp. strain Ivanov grew with methionine as the sulfur source. The growth rate of two different Methanobacterium species was lower on an organic N or S source than on ammonium or sulfide. 35 S and 14 C tracer studies demonstrated that amino acid or urea assimilation correlated with time and amount of growth. The rate of [ 35 S]cysteine incorporation was similar in strain ΔH (34 nmol h −1 mg of cells −1 ) and strain Ivanov (23 nmol h −1 mg of cells −1 ). However, the rate of [ 14 C]acetate incorporation was dramatically different (17 versus 208 nmol h −1 mg of cells −1 in strains ΔH and Ivanov, respectively). [ 14 C]acetate accounted for 1.3 and 21.2% of the total cell carbon synthesized by strains ΔH and Ivanov, respectively. Amino acids and urea were mainly assimilated into the cell protein fraction, but accounted for less than 2.0% of the total cell carbon synthesized. The data suggest that a biochemical-genetic approach to understanding cell carbon synthesis in methanogens is feasible; mutants that are auxotrophic for either acetate, glutamine, cysteine, or methionine are suggested as future targets for genetic studies.


American Society for Microbiology


Ecology,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food Science,Biotechnology







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