Effect of L-amino acids on Mucor rouxii dimorphism


Leija A,Ruiz-Herrera J,Mora J


Mucor rouxii organisms growing aerobically and exponentially on a well-defined minimal medium are able to differentiate as yeasts or as mycelia, depending on the amino acid as the nitrogen source. When certain amino acids were used as the nitrogen source, spores differentiated only as hyphae, whereas other amino acids gave rise to other morphological forms having different ratios of yeasts to hyphae. In both hyphal and yeast cultures, an aerobic metabolism was predominant, as shown by determining several metabolic parameters such as oxygen tension, glucose consumption, ethanol production, and CO2 release. A complete conversion of yeasts to hyphae was obtained by the appropriate change in the amino acid used as nitrogen source. By preparing spheroplasts from mycelial cultures and transferring them to media with amino acids that induce yeast formation, a 50% yield in the reverse transformation was achieved. A correlation between the change in pH of the medium and cell morphology was observed in different growth conditions. Decrease in the pH of the medium preceded the appearance of hyphae. Also, when the initial pH of the medium was increased, aspartate-containing cultures developed mainly as mycelia, instead of yeasts, with a corresponding decrease in the final pH.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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