Transposition of a beta-lactamase locus from RP1 into Pseudomonas putida degradative plasmids


Benedik M,Fennewald M,Shapiro J


The beta-lactamase gene from the RP1 plasmid transposes into at least two Pseudomonas putida degradative plasmids. Donor strains that carry RP1 (bla+ tet+ aphA+) and a degradative plasmid yield transconjugants that have only the bla+ marker of RP1. This occurs in up to 80% of all bla+ transconjugants. Segregation of the bla+ marker requires the presence of a degradative plasmid in the donor and is only observed in transconjugants that have received degradative markers. The bla+ tet aphA transconjugants show 100% linkage of bla+ to degradative markers in conjugation,transduction, and transformation crosses. A transduction cross of an (RP1), (SAL) donor shows that 8% of all SAL plasmids also carry the transposed bla+ marker. Tn401 is the name we assign to the bla+ transposon from RP1 observed in Pseudomonas. Its identity with the RP1 bla+ transposon observed in Escherichia coli is not known. In four cases, Tn401 has inserted into the camphor genes of the CAM-OCT plasmid.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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