Proteome Analyses of Strains ATCC 51142 and PCC 7822 of the Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. under Culture Conditions Resulting in Enhanced H2Production


Aryal Uma K.,Callister Stephen J.,Mishra Sujata,Zhang Xiaohui,Shutthanandan Janani I.,Angel Thomas E.,Shukla Anil K.,Monroe Matthew E.,Moore Ronald J.,Koppenaal David W.,Smith Richard D.,Sherman Louis


ABSTRACTCultures of the cyanobacterial genusCyanothecehave been shown to produce high levels of biohydrogen. These strains are diazotrophic and undergo pronounced diurnal cycles when grown under N2-fixing conditions in light-dark cycles. We seek to better understand the way in which proteins respond to these diurnal changes, and we performed quantitative proteome analysis ofCyanothecesp. strains ATCC 51142 and PCC 7822 grown under 8 different nutritional conditions. Nitrogenase expression was limited to N2-fixing conditions, and in the absence of glycerol, nitrogenase gene expression was linked to the dark period. However, glycerol induced expression of nitrogenase during part of the light period, together with cytochromecoxidase (Cox), glycogen phosphorylase (Glp), and glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) enzymes. This indicated that nitrogenase expression in the light was facilitated via higher levels of respiration and glycogen breakdown. Key enzymes of the Calvin cycle were inhibited inCyanotheceATCC 51142 in the presence of glycerol under H2-producing conditions, suggesting a competition between these sources of carbon. However, inCyanothecePCC 7822, the Calvin cycle still played a role in cofactor recycling during H2production. Our data comprise the first comprehensive profiling of proteome changes inCyanothecePCC 7822 and allow an in-depth comparative analysis of major physiological and biochemical processes that influence H2production in both strains. Our results revealed many previously uncharacterized proteins that may play a role in nitrogenase activity and in other metabolic pathways and may provide suitable targets for genetic manipulation that would lead to improvement of large-scale H2production.


American Society for Microbiology


Ecology,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food Science,Biotechnology

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