Reemerging Threat of Epidemic Typhus in Algeria


Mokrani K.1,Fournier P. E.2,Dalichaouche M.3,Tebbal S.1,Aouati A.3,Raoult D.2


1. Clinique des Maladies Infectieuses, Centre Hospitalier de Batna, Batna

2. Unité des Rickettsies, IFR 48, CNRS UMR 6020, Faculté de Médecine, Université de la Méditerranée, 13385 Marseilles Cédex 5, France

3. Service des Maladies Infectieuses, Centre Hospitalier de Constantine, Constantine, Algeria


ABSTRACT We report a case of epidemic typhus in a patient from the Batna region of Algeria, who presented with generalized febrile exanthema. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by serological cross-adsorption followed by Western blotting. Our report emphasizes the threat of epidemic typhus in the highlands of Algeria.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)

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