SHV-16, a β-Lactamase with a Pentapeptide Duplication in the Omega Loop


Arpin Corinne1,Labia Roger2,Andre Catherine1,Frigo Cécile1,El Harrif Zoubida3,Quentin Claudine1


1. Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Université de Bordeaux 2, 33076 Bordeaux Cedex,1

2. CNRS, UBO, MNHN, unitéFRE 2125, 29000 Quimper,2 and

3. Hôpital Robert Boulin, 33550 Libourne,3France


ABSTRACT A clinical isolate of Klebsiella pneumoniae was found to be resistant to ampicillin (MIC of 128 μg/ml), ticarcillin (MIC of 512 μg/ml), and ceftazidime (MIC of 128 μg/ml) and susceptible to all other β-lactams; a synergistic effect between clavulanate and ceftazidime suggested the presence of an extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL). Transconjugants in Escherichia coli were obtained at low levels (10 −7 per donor cell) and exhibited a similar β-lactam resistance pattern (resistant to ampicillin, ticarcillin, and ceftazidime at 64 μg/ml). The ESBL, pI 7.6, was encoded by a large plasmid (>100 kb) which did not carry any other resistance determinant. The ESBL-encoding gene was amplified by PCR using bla SHV -specific primers and was sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of the SHV-16 ESBL showed that it differed from SHV-1 by only a pentapeptide insertion (163DRWET167) corresponding to a tandem duplication in the omega loop. The implication of the 163a-DRWET163b-DRWET sequence in ceftazidime resistance was confirmed by cloning either bla SHV-1 or bla SHV-16 in the same vector, subsequently introduced in the same E. coli strain. Under these isogenic conditions, SHV-16 conferred a 32-fold increase in ceftazidime MIC compared to that with SHV-1. Furthermore, site-directed mutagenesis experiments modifying either E166aA or E166bA revealed that the functional glutamic residue was that located in the first copy of the duplicated sequence. But surprisingly, the second E166b also conferred a low-level resistance to ceftazidime. This work is the first description of a class A enzyme exhibiting an extended substrate specificity due to an insertion instead of a nucleotide substitution(s) in a clinical isolate.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology







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