Community Structure of Filamentous, Sheath-Building Sulfur Bacteria, Thioploca spp., off the Coast of Chile


Schulz H N,Jorgensen B B,Fossing H A,Ramsing N B


The filamentous sulfur bacteria Thioploca spp. produce dense bacterial mats in the shelf area off the coast of Chile and Peru. The mat consists of common sheaths, shared by many filaments, that reach 5 to 10 cm down into the sediment. The structure of the Thioploca communities off the Bay of Concepcion was investigated with respect to biomass, species distribution, and three-dimensional orientation of the sheaths. Thioploca sheaths and filaments were found across the whole shelf area within the oxygen minimum zone. The maximum wet weight of sheaths, 800 g m(sup-2), was found at a depth of 90 m. The bacterial filaments within the sheaths contributed about 10% of this weight. The highest density of filaments was found within the uppermost 1 cm of the mat. On the basis of diameter classes, it was possible to distinguish populations containing only Thioploca spp. from mixed populations containing Beggiatoa spp. Three distinct size classes of Thioploca spp. were found, two of which have been described previously as Thioploca araucae and Thioploca chileae. Many Thioploca filaments did not possess a visible sheath, and about 20% of the sheaths contained more than one Thioploca species. The three-dimensional sheath structure showed that Thioploca filaments can move from the surface and deep into the sediment.


American Society for Microbiology


Ecology,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food Science,Biotechnology

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