A Nonsense Mutation in agrA Accounts for the Defect in agr Expression and the Avirulence of Staphylococcus aureus 8325-4 traP :: kan


Adhikari Rajan P.1,Arvidson Staffan2,Novick Richard P.1


1. Program in Molecular Pathogenesis, Kimmel Center for Biology and Medicine, Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, and Departments of Microbiology and Medicine, New York University Medical Center, New York, New York 10016

2. Department of Microbiology Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute, S 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden


ABSTRACT TraP is a triply phosphorylated staphylococcal protein that has been hypothesized to be the mediator of a second Staphylococcus aureus quorum-sensing system, “SQS1,” that controls expression of the agr system and therefore is essential for the organism's virulence. This hypothesis was based on the loss of agr expression and virulence by a traP mutant of strain 8325-4 and was supported by full complementation of both phenotypic defects by the cloned traP gene in strain NB8 (Y. Gov, I. Borovok, M. Korem, V. K. Singh, R. K. Jayaswal, B. J. Wilkinson, S. M. Rich, and N. Balaban, J. Biol. Chem. 279:14665-14672, 2004), in which the wild-type traP gene was expressed in trans in the 8325-4 traP mutant. We initiated a study of the mechanism by which TraP activates agr and found that the traP mutant strain used for this and other recently published studies has a second mutation, an adventitious stop codon in the middle of agrA , the agr response regulator. The traP mutation, once separated from the agrA defect by outcrossing, had no effect on agr expression or virulence, indicating that the agrA defect accounts fully for the lack of agr expression and for the loss of virulence attributed to the traP mutation. In addition, DNA sequencing showed that the agrA gene in strain NB8 (Gov et al., J. Biol. Chem., 2004), in contrast to that in the agr -defective 8325-4 traP mutant strain, had the wild-type sequence; further, the traP mutation in that strain, when outcrossed, also had no effect on agr expression.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology








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