A retrovirus expressing the 12S adenoviral E1A gene product can immortalize epithelial cells from a broad range of rat tissues.


Cone R D,Grodzicker T,Jaramillo M


An epithelial cell-transforming virus could be of great use, both in the culture of epithelial cell lines and in the study of carcinogenesis. Since the adenoviral E1A gene has been shown to partially transform some epithelial cells from primary rat cell cultures, we constructed retrovirus vectors containing either the 12S or 13S E1A cDNA sequences to facilitate the transfer of these genes into a variety of primary cell types. The 12S E1A virus induced proliferation and immortalization of epithelial cells in rat kidney, liver, heart, pancreas, and thyroid primary cultures. In the two cases tested, heart and liver cultures, E1A-immortalized cells were nontumorigenic, but could be completely transformed by subsequent introduction of the ras oncogene. To our surprise, the 13S virus had a greatly reduced immortalization potential. We discuss these data in light of the model of Spindler et al. (K. R. Spindler, C. Y. Eng, and A.-J. Berk, J. Virol. 53:742-750, 1985), in which the 12S E1A protein is required for the complete induction of the cellular DNA replication machinery in the quiescent human epithelial cells in which adenoviruses normally replicate.


American Society for Microbiology


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology








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