Energy transduction by electron transfer via a pyrrolo-quinoline quinone-dependent glucose dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (var. lwoffi)


van Schie B J,Hellingwerf K J,van Dijken J P,Elferink M G,van Dijl J M,Kuenen J G,Konings W N


The coupling of membrane-bound glucose dehydrogenase (EC to the respiratory chain has been studied in whole cells, cell-free extracts, and membrane vesicles of gram-negative bacteria. Several Escherichia coli strains synthesized glucose dehydrogenase apoenzyme which could be activated by the prosthetic group pyrrolo-quinoline quinone. The synthesis of the glucose dehydrogenase apoenzyme was independent of the presence of glucose in the growth medium. Membrane vesicles of E. coli, grown on glucose or succinate, oxidized glucose to gluconate in the presence of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone. This oxidation led to the generation of a proton motive force which supplied the driving force for uptake of lactose, alanine, and glutamate. Reconstitution of glucose dehydrogenase with limiting amounts of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone allowed manipulation of the rate of electron transfer in membrane vesicles and whole cells. At saturating levels of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone, glucose was the most effective electron donor in E. coli, and glucose oxidation supported secondary transport at even higher rates than oxidation of reduced phenazine methosulfate. Apoenzyme of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone-dependent glucose dehydrogenases with similar properties as the E. coli enzyme were found in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (var. lwoffi) grown aerobically on acetate and in Pseudomonas aeruginosa grown anaerobically on glucose and nitrate.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology







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