A Hydrophobin of the Chestnut Blight Fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica , Is Required for Stromal Pustule Eruption


Kazmierczak Pam1,Kim Dae Hyuk2,Turina Massimo3,Van Alfen Neal K.1


1. Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, One Shields, Ave., Davis, California 95616

2. Chonbuk National University, Biological Sciences, Chonju, Chonbuk, South Korea

3. Istituto di Virologia Vegetale, Strada delle Cacce 73, 10135 Torino, Italy


ABSTRACT Hydrophobins are abundant small hydrophobic proteins that are present on the surfaces of many filamentous fungi. The chestnut blight pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica was shown to produce a class II hydrophobin, cryparin. Cryparin is the most abundant protein produced by this fungus when grown in liquid culture. When the fungus is growing on chestnut trees, cryparin is found only in the fungal fruiting body walls. Deletion of the gene encoding cryparin resulted in a culture phenotype typical of hydrophobin deletion mutants of other fungi, i.e., easily wettable (nonhydrophobic) hyphae. When grown on the natural substrate of the fungus, however, cryparin-null mutation strains were unable to normally produce its fungal fruiting bodies. Although the stromal pustules showed normal development initially, they were unable to erupt through the bark of the tree. The hydrophobin cryparin thus plays an essential role in the fitness of this important plant pathogen by facilitating the eruption of the fungal fruiting bodies through the bark of its host tree.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Microbiology

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