Chicken vitellogenin gene-binding protein, a leucine zipper transcription factor that binds to an important control element in the chicken vitellogenin II promoter, is related to rat DBP.


Iyer S V,Davis D L,Seal S N,Burch J B


We screened a chicken liver cDNA expression library with a probe spanning the distal region of the chicken vitellogenin II (VTGII) gene promoter and isolated clones for a transcription factor that we have named VBP (for vitellogenin gene-binding protein). VBP binds to one of the most important positive elements in the VTGII promoter and appears to play a pivotal role in the estrogen-dependent regulation of this gene. The protein sequence of VBP was deduced from a nearly full length cDNA copy and was found to contain a basic/zipper (bZIP) motif. As expected for a bZIP factor, VBP binds to its target DNA site as a dimer. Moreover, VBP is a stable dimer free in solution. A data base search revealed that VBP is related to rat DBP. However, despite the fact that the basic/hinge regions of VBP and DBP differ at only three amino acid positions, the DBP binding site in the rat albumin promoter is a relatively poor binding site for VBP. Thus, the optimal binding sites for VBP and DBP may be distinct. Similarities between the VBP and DBP leucine zippers are largely confined to only four of the seven helical spokes. Nevertheless, these leucine zippers are functionally compatible and appear to define a novel subfamily. In contrast to the bZIP regions, other portions of VBP and DBP are markedly different, as are the expression profiles for these two genes. In particular, expression of the VBP gene commences early in liver ontogeny and is not subject to circadian control.


American Society for Microbiology


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology







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