Production of an Extracellular Polysaccharide by Haloferax mediterranei


Antón Josefa1,Meseguer Inmaculada1,Rodríguez-Valera F.1


1. División de Microbiología, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain


The extremely halophilic archaebacterium Haloferax mediterranei produces an exocellular polymeric substance that gives the colonies a typical mucous character and is responsible for the appearance of a superficial layer in unshaken liquid medium. This exocellular polymeric substance can be obtained from the supernatant of shaken liquid cultures by cold ethanol precipitation, and yields as high as 3 mg/ml have been detected. The substance was produced under all the conditions tested and with all substrates assayed, although higher yields were obtained with sugars, particularly glucose, as carbon and energy source. The total exocellular polymeric substance produced was proportional to the total biomass. The polymer is a heteropolysaccharide containing mannose as the major component. Glucose, galactose, and another unidentified sugar were also present, as well as amino sugars, uronic acids, and a considerable amount of sulfate, which accounts for the acidic nature of the polymer. The infrared spectrum and specific assays showed the absence of acyl groups. The rheological properties of polymer solutions were studied, showing a pseudoplastic behavior and a high apparent viscosity at relatively low concentrations. Viscosity was remarkably resistant to extremes of pH, temperature, or salinity. These characteristics make this polymer interesting for enhanced oil recovery and other applications for which a very resistant thickening agent is required.


American Society for Microbiology


Ecology,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food Science,Biotechnology

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