Bacteriophage φYeO3-12, Specific for Yersinia enterocolitica Serotype O:3, Is Related to Coliphages T3 and T7


Pajunen Maria1,Kiljunen Saija1,Skurnik Mikael1


1. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, FIN-20520 Turku, Finland


ABSTRACT Bacteriophage φYeO3-12 is a lytic phage of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3. The phage receptor is the lipopolysaccharide O chain of this serotype that consists of the rare sugar 6-deoxy- l -altropyranose. A one-step growth curve of φYeO3-12 revealed eclipse and latent periods of 15 and 25 min, respectively, with a burst size of about 120 PFU per infected cell. In electron microscopy φYeO3-12 virions showed pentagonal outlines, indicating their icosahedral nature. The phage capsid was shown to be composed of at least 10 structural proteins, of which a protein of 43 kDa was predominant. N-terminal sequences of three structural proteins were determined, two of them showing strong homology to structural proteins of coliphages T3 and T7. The phage genome was found to consist of a double-stranded DNA molecule of 40 kb without cohesive ends. A physical map of the phage DNA was constructed using five restriction enzymes. The phage infection could be effectively neutralized using serum from a rabbit immunized with whole φYeO3-12 particles. The antiserum also neutralized T3 infection, although not as efficiently as that of φYeO3-12. φYeO3-12 was found to share, in addition to the N-terminal sequence homology, several common features with T3, including morphology and nonsubjectibility to F exclusion. The evidence conclusively indicated that φYeO3-12 is the first close relative of phage T3 to be described.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology







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