Structure of the nucleoid in cells of Streptococcus faecalis


Daneo-Moore L,Dicker D,Higgins M L


The structure of the nucleoid of Streptococcus faecalis (ATCC 9790) was examined and compared in the unfixed and fixed states by immersive refractometry and electron microscopy. It appears from these studies that the nucleoid structure is much more centralized in unfixed chloramphenicol-treated (stationary-phase) cells than it is in cells in the exponential phase of growth. The more dispersed configuration of the exponential-phase nucleoid could be preserved by fixation in glutaraldehyde, but not in Formalin or in osmium tetroxide. One important factor in explaining these differences in preservation is that glutaraldehyde (but not Formalin or osmium tetroxide) can rapidly cross-link the amino groups of macromolecules in cells. It was also observed that osmium tetroxide resulted in a preferential breakdown of nascent ribonucleic acid. These results are interpreted as indicating that glutaraldehyde is able to stabilize the exponential-phase nucleoid before it assumes the more central appearance seen in osmium tetroxide- and Formalin-fixed cells. These results are discussed in terms of the proposed organization of the exponential-phase nucleoid in unfixed cells.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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