Biochemical Identification of Citrobacter Species Defined by DNA Hybridization and Description of Citrobacter gillenii sp. nov. (Formerly Citrobacter Genomospecies 10) and Citrobacter murliniae sp. nov. (Formerly Citrobacter Genomospecies 11)


Brenner Don J.1,O’Hara Caroline M.2,Grimont Patrick A. D.3,Janda J. Michael4,Falsen Enevold5,Aldova Eva6,Ageron Elisabeth3,Schindler Jiri6,Abbott Sharon L.4,Steigerwalt Arnold G.1


1. Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases,1 and

2. Hospital Environment Laboratory Branch, Hospital Infections Program,2 National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia 30333;

3. Unité des Entérobactéries, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Unité 199, Institut Pasteur, 75724 Paris, France3;

4. Microbial Diseases Laboratory, Division of Communicable Disease Control, Department of Health Services, Berkeley, California 94704-10114;

5. Culture Collection, University of Göteborg, Department of Clinical Bacteriology, S-413 46 Göteborg, Sweden5; and

6. Department of Clinical Microbiology, National Institute of Public Health, 100 42 Prague 10, Czech Republic6


ABSTRACT Recent work describing six named species and two unnamed genomospecies within Citrobacter has enlarged the genus to 11 species. DNA relatedness and phenotypic tests were used to determine how well these species can be identified. One hundred thirty-six strains were identified to species level by DNA relatedness and then identified phenotypically in a blinded fashion. By using conventional tests, 119 of the 136 strains (88%) were correctly identified to species level. Three additional strains (2%) were identified as citrobacteria but were not identified to species level, and 14 strains (10%) were misidentified as other Citrobacter species. Carbon source utilization tests were used to identify 86 of the strains. Eighty-four strains (98%) were correctly identified, and two strains (2%) were misidentified as other Citrobacter species. Additional strains of Citrobacter genomospecies 10 and Citrobacter genomospecies 11 were identified, allowing these species to be formally named as Citrobacter gillenii sp. nov. and Citrobacter murliniae sp. nov., respectively.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)







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