1. Department of Microbiology, University of Minnesota, Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Changes in nucleotide pools and extracellular nucleotides during the developmental cycle of the myxobacterium
Myxococcus xanthus
were determined using a high-pressure liquid chromatography nucleotide analyzer. A general increase in all nucleotide pools occurred during the morphological phase of glycerol conversion of vegetative cells to myxospores. The levels of the nucleoside triphosphate pools remained high as the myxospore matured and throughout subsequent germination. Oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels were elevated in the dormant myxospore and then declined during germination. The adenylate energy charge value was 0.85 ± 0.02 for vegetative cells, germinating myxospores, and 6-h-old myxospores. It was interesting that the value for the so-called dormant myxospore was the same as that characteristic of physiologically active cells. The germinating myxospores excreted large quantities of uracil along with lesser quantities of purine nucleoside monophosphates. Although the source of the extracellular uracil cannot be determined from these experiments, it may have been derived from a shift in base ratios accompanying an assumed ribonucleic acid turnover during germination.
American Society for Microbiology
Molecular Biology,Microbiology
Cited by
15 articles.