Comparison of Enteric-Tek with API 20E and conventional methods for identification of Enterobacteriaceae


Bruckner D A,Clark V,Martin W J


Enteric-Tek (Flow Laboratories, Inc., Roslyn, N.Y.) is a new system designed for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae and consists of a round, multicompartmented plastic plate with 11 peripheral wells and 1 center well incorporating 14 biochemical reactions. Only one reagent (Kovacs reagent) is required to complete the biochemical test results for generation of a five-digit number for computer code identification. The identification accuracy of the Enteric-Tek system was compared with those obtained by conventional methods and API 20E. The Enteric-Tek system was found to be not only a convenient and simple method for rapid identification of Enterobacteriaceae, but also to be highly reliable, giving excellent identification performance as compared to API 20E and conventional methods.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)

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