Inhibition of human cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene expression by an antisense oligonucleotide complementary to immediate-early RNA


Anderson K P1,Fox M C1,Brown-Driver V1,Martin M J1,Azad R F1


1. Isis Pharmaceuticals, Carlsbad, California 92008, USA.


ISIS 2922 is a phosphorothioate oligonucleotide that is complementary to human cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate-early (IE) RNA and that exhibits potent and specific antiviral activity against CMV in cell culture assays. Specific assay systems were developed to separately characterize the antisense and nonantisense components of the antiviral activity mediated by ISIS 2922. In U373 cells transformed with cDNA encoding the CMV IE 55-kDa (IE55) protein, expression was inhibited at nanomolar concentrations comparable to effective concentrations in antiviral assays. The specificity of inhibition was demonstrated by using control oligonucleotides incorporating progressive base changes to destabilize oligonucleotide-RNA base pairing and by showing a lack of inhibition of the CMV IE72 product expressed from the same promoter. Inhibition of IE55 protein expression correlated with a reduction in mRNA levels consistent with an RNase H-mediated termination event. Studies with virus-infected cells demonstrated that antisense and nonantisense mechanisms contribute to the antiviral activity of ISIS 2922. Base complementarity to target RNA was important for optimal activity in antiviral assays, but base changes affecting parameters other than hybridization affinity also influenced antiviral activity. Sequence-independent inhibition of virus adsorption to host cells by phosphorothioate oligonucleotides was also observed at high concentrations. Therefore, at least three different mechanisms may contribute to the antiviral activity of ISIS 2922 in cell culture: antisense-mediated inhibition of target gene expression; nonantisense, sequence-dependent inhibition of virus replication; and sequence-independent inhibition of virus adsorption to host cells.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology

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