Cloning and characterization of a polyketide synthase gene from Streptomyces fradiae Tü2717, which carries the genes for biosynthesis of the angucycline antibiotic urdamycin A and a gene probably involved in its oxygenation


Decker H1,Haag S1


1. Lehrbereich Mikrobiologie/Antibiotika, Universität Tübingen, Germany.


A DNA fragment was cloned as cosmid purd8, which encodes a polyketide synthase involved in the production of the angucycline antibiotic urdamycin from Streptomyces fradiae Tü2717. Deletion of the polyketide synthase genes from the chromosome abolished urdamycin production. In addition, purd8 conferred urdamycin resistance on introduction into Streptomyces lividans TK24. Sequence analysis of 5.7 kb of purd8 revealed six open reading frames transcribed in the same direction. The deduced amino acid sequences of the six open reading frames strongly resemble proteins from known type II polyketide synthase gene clusters: a ketoacyl synthase, a chain length factor, an acyl carrier protein, a ketoreductase, a cyclase, and an oxygenase. Heterologous expression of the urdamycin genes encoding a ketoacyl synthase and a chain length factor in Streptomyces glaucescens tetracenomycin C-nonproducing mutants impaired in either the TcmK ketoacyl synthase or TcmL chain length factor resulted in the production of tetracenomycin C. Heterologous expression of a putative oxygenase gene from the urdamycin gene cluster in S. glaucescens GLA.O caused production of the hybrid antibiotic 6-hydroxy tetracenomycin C.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology







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