Serological, chemical, and structural analyses of the Escherichia coli cross-reactive capsular polysaccharides K13, K20, and K23


Vann W F,Soderstrom T,Egan W,Tsui F P,Schneerson R,Orskov I,Orskov F


The Escherichia coli K13, K20, and K23 capsular polysaccharide antigens are serologically related. All of these polysaccharides contain ribose and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate in equimolar quantities. The K13 and K20 polysaccharides are partially O-acetylated. A comparison of these polysaccharides after O-deacetylation, by nuclear magnetic resonance and permethylation analysis, showed that these polysaccharides contained the disaccharide repeat unit leads to)-beta-ribofuranosyl-(1 leads to 7)-beta-2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate. They differed in the presence and location of an acetyl moiety. The K13 polysaccharide was O-acetylated at C-4 of the 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate. The K20 antigen was O-acetylated at C-5 of the ribose moiety. The K23 polymer was nonacetylated. The cross-reactivity of these antigens was demonstrated by tandem-crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Antibodies to K23 could be completely absorbed from OK K23 serum by K13, K20, and K23 antigenic extracts. The K13 and K20 antibodies could be completely absorbed from their respective antisera only by homologous antigenic extracts. Monoclonal antibodies were prepared against a protein conjugate of the K13 polysaccharide. Analyses of the reactions of these antibodies with the three polysaccharides suggest that the K13 polysaccharide has at least three antigenic sites, one of which is common to the K13, K20, and K23 polysaccharides.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology

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