Ultradeep Pyrosequencing of NS3 To Predict Response to Triple Therapy with Protease Inhibitors in Previously Treated Chronic Hepatitis C Patients


Larrat Sylvie,Kulkarni Om,Claude Jean-Baptiste,Beugnot Réjane,Blum Michaël G. B.,Fusillier Katia,Lupo Julien,Tremeaux Pauline,Plages Agnès,Marlu Alice,Duborjal Hervé,Signori-Schmuck Anne,Francois Olivier,Zarski Jean-Pierre,Morand Patrice,Leroy Vincent


Despite the gain in sustained virological responses (SVR) provided by protease inhibitors (PIs), failures still occur. The aim of this study was to determine if a baseline analysis of the NS3 region using ultradeep pyrosequencing (UDPS) can help to predict an SVR. Serum samples from 40 patients with previously nonresponding genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C who were retreated with triple therapy, including a PI, were analyzed. Baseline UDPS of the NS3 gene was performed on plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Mutations conferring resistance to PIs were sought. The overall diversity of the quasispecies was evaluated by calculating the Shannon entropy (SE). Resistance mutations were found in plasma and PBMC but were not discriminating enough to predict an SVR. NS3 quasispecies heterogeneity was significantly lower at baseline in patients achieving an SVR than in those not achieving an SVR (SE of 26.98 ± 16.64 × 10−3versus 44.93 ± 19.58 × 10−3,P= 0.0047). With multivariate analysis, the independent predictors of an SVR were fibrosis of stage F ≤2 (odds ratio [OR], 13.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.25 to 141.096;P< 0.03) and SE below the median (OR, 5.4; 95% CI, 1.22 to 23.87;P< 0.03). More than the presence of minor mutations at the baseline in plasma or in PBMC, the NS3 viral heterogeneity determined by UDPS is an independent factor for an SVR in previously treated patients receiving triple therapy that includes a PI.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)








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