Rmcf2 , a Xenotropic Provirus in the Asian Mouse Species Mus castaneus , Blocks Infection by Polytropic Mouse Gammaretroviruses


Wu Tiyun1,Yan Yuhe1,Kozak Christine A.1


1. Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-0460


ABSTRACT Cells from the Asian wild mouse species Mus castaneus are resistant to infection by the polytropic host range group of mouse gammaretroviruses. Two factors are responsible for this resistance: a defective XPR1 cell surface receptor for polytropic murine leukemia viruses (P-MLVs), and a resistance factor detectable only in interspecies hybrids between M. castaneus and mice with an XPR1 variant that permits infection by xenotropic MLVs (X-MLVs) as well as P-MLVs. This second novel virus resistance phenotype has been associated with expression of viral Env glycoprotein; Northern blotting with specific hybridization probes identified a spliced X-MLV env message unique to virus-resistant mice. These observations suggest that resistance is due to expression of one or more endogenous X-MLV envelope genes that interfere with infection by exogenous P-MLVs. M. castaneus contains multiple X-MLV proviruses, but serial backcrosses reduced this proviral content and permitted identification of a single proviral env sequence inherited with resistance. The resistance phenotype and the provirus were mapped to the same site on distal chromosome 18. The provirus was shown to be a full-length provirus highly homologous to previously described X-MLVs. Use of viral pseudotypes confirmed that this resistance gene, termed Rmcf2 , prevents entry of P-MLVs. Rmcf2 resembles the virus resistance genes Fv4 and Rmcf in that it produces Env glycoprotein but fails to produce infectious virus; the proviruses associated with all three resistance genes have fatal defects. This type of provirus Env-mediated resistance represents an important defense mechanism in wild mouse populations exposed to endemic infections.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology








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